26 mayo 2011

Mis Hijas y Yo!

Varios dias en los que no he hecho una entrada... Ya pronto vuelvo para mostrarles mis trabajos! Nos Vemos Pronto! Mientras tanto les muestro una página digital que hize de esta hermosa foto hace unas semanas. Somos mis bellas gemelas y Yo!


Several days ago, I can't do a post...soon I'll back for show you my pages. See You Soon!...Meanwhile I want to show you this digital page that I did with this beautiful pic few weeks ago...We're my precious twins and me!!

(Made this with some digital embellishment of http://www.scrapbookflair.com) This a site in wich I participate

3 comentarios:

Scrapbooking with PascaleA dijo...

You've got an award!

Have a great day!

Scrapbooking with PascaleA dijo...

You've got an award!

Have a great day!

Vanessa dijo...

Thank so much for the award, I feel very happy and honored.