31 marzo 2010

Templates and Pages!

I've been doing some templates for my pages and here I show some of them, soon I will be showing others. They can use them freely and can be used for digital pages.
He estado haciendo algunas plantillas para mis paginas y aquí les muestro algunas de ellas, pronto iré mostrando otras. Pueden utilizarlas libremente y las pueden utilizar para paginas digitales.

In this page I had cut the pictures but even so, I used these photos----En esta pagina habia cortado las fotos pero aun asi, quize usar estas fotos

My dearest Friend Ety------Mi querida amiga Ety

A page with my twins---Una página con mis gemelas

With my daughter Roxie----Con mi hija Roxie

3 comentarios:

Tracy dijo...

Saw this stunning page on the forum Vanessa and love it..not to mention all the other fab layouts..you put me to shame,lol!!
Hope you had a lovely Easter weekend
Hugs always

Vanessa dijo...

Thanks for your lovely comments Stacy! I hope you spend all your days full of peace and love!!

Erin Smetak dijo...

What a great layout and page! That picture is so sweet w/ you and your daughter!

Thanks so much for becoming a follower of my blog! Your comment was so sweet! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!!!!!